OpenSpiel state methods: current_player

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Returns the player ID of the acting player. Player IDs for actual players start at 0 and end at game.num_players() - 1. There are some special player IDs that represent the chance player, simultaneous-move nodes, and terminal states.


import pyspiel

game = pyspiel.load_game("tic_tac_toe")
state = game.new_initial_state()
print(state.current_player())    # Output: 0

game = pyspiel.load_game("leduc_poker")
state = game.new_initial_state()
print(state.current_player())    # Output: -1 (pyspiel.PlayerId.CHANCE)

game = pyspiel.load_game("matrix_rps")
state = game.new_initial_state()
print(state.current_player())    # Output: -2 (pyspiel.PlayerId.SIMULTANEOUS)
state.apply_actions([0, 0])      # I like to Rock! Oh yeah? Well.. so do I!
print(state.current_player())    # Output: -4 (pyspiel.PlayerId.TERMINAL)